367 Area Code: How To Get A Quebec Area Code

367 Area Code: How To Get A Quebec Area Code
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If you’re someone with a keen eye for some of the most beautiful French architecture on the planet, or if you’ve got a soft spot for a bustling art district and gorgeous natural landscapes, then Quebec, Canada might be the place for you to settle down and start a business.

There are plenty of reasons why Quebec has a population of a whopping 8,604,500 people. But maybe it’s time to make that 8,604,501. And what better way to make yourself feel right at home than with a 367 area code to match.

The good news is that getting a new area code doesn’t take much effort. You’ll be able to hold onto your original phone number without needing to replace your original one. Learn how to do it easily and efficiently.

Where Does a 367 Area Code Include?

Quebec has three different area codes: 367, 418, and 567. 367 serves northeastern portions of the Quebec province, including Quebec City. However, it serves as an overlay for the 418 area code, and it serves the same area.

So if you move to Quebec, you could choose from any of these three area codes and feel like you’re right at home. And with the Burner app, you can have the freedom to try out all three if you want.

How to Get a 367 Area Code

Getting a 367 area code is simple, and there are a few different ways to get one. With that said, one of the easiest and most efficient ways is by getting a second number with an app like Burner.

The Burner app gives you a second number that reroutes calls and texts to your primary number. You can input your preferred area code and get a new number that incorporates that area code.

The second number acts as a barrier between you and your personal information. Whenever someone else gives you a call, they won’t be able to see your personal number – only your Burner number. You then have full control over whether or not you want to let the call through. It’s a surefire way to protect yourself against inundating spam and scam.

Plus, it works both ways. So if you make an outgoing call, the person on the other end will only be able to see your Burner number. They’ll never know your real number, making it perfect for making professional business calls without needing to worry about anyone reaching you after hours.

Finally, you can burn your Burner number for a new one whenever you want. That means you can swap out your current 367 area code for a different one if you cross country lines or even if you just feel like getting a new number.


If you want to get yourself a 367 area code on your primary number, you can probably do it through your mobile carrier. However, there are some important things to know:

  • You can only change the area code – not the entire number. So the remaining seven digits will be random.
  • This is an irreversible change, so you’ll lose your original number. This also means your old contacts won’t be able to reach you unless you give them your new number, so be sure to keep them updated.
  • Blocked numbers and people on your allow list will not be saved with your new number. This means you might receive spam or scam calls from those you had previously blocked on your old one.
  • Voicemails are linked to specific numbers, not your phone. With that in mind, you’ll need to devote some time to setting up your voicemail box on your new number.

Getting a secondary number with Burner keeps all of the voicemails and blocked numbers on your primary phone, so you don’t need to worry about a backup. Not to mention, it retains your original phone number, so your old contacts will still be able to reach you just fine.

With all of this said, replacing your primary phone number with a 367 area code is a good idea if you think that Quebec will be your permanent home.

Benefits of Getting a Second Number

Getting a second phone number with the 367 area code not only allows you to feel like you’re a true Lincolnite, but it also provides you with a vast number of benefits to your privacy and productivity.


Starting a new business can be challenging, especially if you just moved to a brand new country like Canada and started fresh. One of the best ways to reach new leads is by calling them, but first, you need to make sure they answer the phone. 80% of Americans won’t answer the phone from unrecognizable phone numbers, so getting the right area code can make all the difference.

Increase your chances of making an impact by getting an area code to match the Canadian province where your business is located. Getting a Quebec area code for your Quebec-based business can help solidify you as a trusted and respected local business while ensuring that your customers will answer the phone if you ever need to reach them.


Starting a new life in Quebec can feel daunting, but it also means that you’re getting access to a new pool of awesome people to get to know. Whether you’re looking for a friend, looking for love, or just looking to pick up a new couch from someone’s garage, you can use a second number to do all of this safely.

Protecting your private information on dating apps and other online sites is important. A second number is a perfect way to interact with semi-strangers without them being able to breach your privacy. If you’re ready to leave the online dating community and venture into the real world to find a potential partner, let Burner help you do it safely.


Projecting confidence as a business owner is one of the most important things you can do to draw in a new client base. So if you’re trying to appear even more experienced than you may be, having a random area code on your Quebec-based business can look a little bit strange.

Area codes can be important when it comes to protecting your business image. With a second phone number, you can choose an area code that matches the location you’re in to boost your credibility and make your business seem more professional.

What To Do Next

Visit Burner now to download the app and create your Quebec, Canada phone number. Getting a 367 area code is a great way to protect your private phone number while still connecting with potential new clients – all safely and efficiently.

Plus, getting one is easy. Burner can be downloaded directly onto your smartphone, allowing you to get a second number with an area code of your choosing. Sign up today to take steps towards protecting your privacy and enhancing your productivity.


Québec population: growth slowed down significantly in 2020, but began to recover in 2021 | Institut de la Statistique du Québec

Most Americans don't answer cell phone calls from unknown numbers | Pew Research Center

The Most Dangerous States for Online Dating | BackgroundChecks.org

Ready to start calling & texting with a shiny new number?

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