5 Reasons to Set Up A Burner Number When You Travel

5 Reasons to Set Up A Burner Number When You Travel
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Traveling alone can be thrilling yet lonely, and while you want to push yourself out of your comfort zone, you don’t always want to put yourself and your digits fully out there, ya know? With a Burner, you can open up new doors to friendship and experiences on the road without compromising your identity or safety. 

After all, nothing’s worse than finding out your precious personal number, vulnerable to the wild west of unknown networks and eager marketers, has fallen into the hands of someone who’s going to annoy you for the rest of your trip (Vox recently confirmed that you’re not imagining it — brands are texting you way more often these days). 

If you don’t believe us, then here are five compelling reasons why Burner is the best travel buddy, keeping your personal digits tucked away safely while you explore the vast, exciting expanse of the country.

1. Meeting New Friends on the Road

With a simple Burner, you can share that number with people you meet during your travels. Your private number and personal data will stay safe, and you’ll never have to miss out on the opportunity to stay connected. Who knows — you might meet your new bae or bestie on vacation. If you do, you can take things to the next level and give ‘em your real number.

2. Signing Up for Tours & Activities

Traveling is all about experiencing new things, right? However, it’s nearly impossible to sign up for a group tour on TripAdvisor or experience on Airbnb these days without giving them a phone number. 

Before you know it, you’re getting unwanted texts about other tours or discount deals on hotel stays in the middle of nowhere. That’s not an issue if you use your Burner. If you need to, after the tour or experience, delete the line and move on to your next adventure.

3. Having a Local Number

Depending on where you’re going and how long you’ll stay, having a local number can make a huge difference in how you’re perceived by the locals. People might be more likely to trust you or offer you insider tips if you have a number that looks like you belong there.

4. Snoozing Work Calls While On Vacation

How many times do you have to tell your overzealous boss — out of office means out of office. If you work for people who don’t understand the concept of boundaries while you’re out exploring the open road, you definitely need a Burner. 

Set up a line just for work calls and set that line to Do Not Disturb, baby. You’ll still get calls and texts on your other lines (or even your personal number), so you can stay updated on things you care about but can snooze the work-related communications that can wait until you’re back on the clock.

5. Enjoying the Moment

While it might seem inevitable these days, as we live in an age of constant connection, when you’re traveling and trying to enjoy the moment, you don’t have to deal with a phone that keeps buzzing with notifications, texts, and calls. It’s hard to stay present and enjoy the moment when you’re constantly tied to your phone. 

Burner gives you control over your communication, meaning you can use a Burner line for funsies when traveling (and whenever you get back home) and mute all other calls and texts. Whether exploring a new city, hiking a scenic trail, or lounging on a beach somewhere, you’ll be free to enjoy the moment without any distractions.

Use Burner Internationally

As your wanderlust carries you beyond the stars and stripes, don't forget Burner works abroad, too. Whether you're haggling in a Moroccan souk or sipping espresso in an Italian piazza, your Burner number acts as a trusty communication bridge back to the homeland. 

No need to fret about international calling fees or swapping SIM cards. With Burner, you can effortlessly stay in touch with folks back home as long as you have access to data or WiFi. Create your second number now and see just how easy it is to stay connected while keeping your real number private.

Ready to start calling & texting with a shiny new number?

Get Burner

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