Around the Burner office there are two things that everyone knows -- that our coworker Ali loves soccer and Coachella more than the rest of us love just about anything (he may or may not have had to call pause on a meeting the morning this year’s lineup was announced.) A few weeks ago, during our internal team hack day, Ali’s knowledge of and love for Coachella and Burner teamed up with one of our awesome developers, Tommy, to bring (mostly) strangers back together after those sun soaked (and maybe a bit blurry) weekends in the desert.
Making connections
Ali’s inspiration for this product was drawn from the fact that every year, the hopeless romantics of Coachella take to Craigslist to find the girl you made out with on the main stage or the guy who gave you a lightshow.
But is that really the best haystack in which to look for that needle? Should you post on the missed connections section for Palm Springs or LA? Or maybe San Diego, because you remember that girl you met on Saturday night was from San Diego. Then once you figure out where you’re going to post (probably all three) you have to go through the tedious posting process with Craigslist.

Ali and Tommy wanted to help make finding those missed connections a little easier! The best part about using a Burner is that everyone has easy access to a phone and sending a text or leaving a voicemail is a lot easier than posting on Craigslist or a forum.
Once you send a text, picture or leave a voicemail you’ll get a confirmation that the message has been received and you’ll see it on the board immediately. The post is totally private (meaning your phone number won’t be shared), but if anyone likes or comments on it, you’ll get a text notification letting you know.

Try it out and let us know what you think! Don’t forget to thank Ali and please tell us your story on Facebook or Twitter if you find that special someone!