Reasons To Change Your Phone Number: Pros and Cons

Reasons To Change Your Phone Number: Pros and Cons
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Let the nostalgia flow as you look back on when you were assigned your first phone number. Do you remember how excited you may have been when receiving it? Can you recall all 10 digits of the phone number you were given by memory? 

If it doesn’t come to mind, don’t sweat it. Our brains can only handle so much information at a time, and you may have memorized a new number by now. That 10-digit code of the past may have slipped your mind; that is, unless you’ve entered it into your phonebook for quick reference to avoid memorization.

If you did retain it, accept a big round of applause. The phone number may come naturally to you, predominantly because you never changed it and continue to use it today. Imagine having the same number for the last 30 years! Anything is possible.

Whatever the case may be, the point is that people do change their phone numbers, and that’s A-OK! There are pros and cons to consider, so let’s get moving.

What Are the Advantages of Changing Your Phone Number?

Time to delve deeper and understand what you can gain by changing your phone number or getting a temporary phone number

Knowing When It’s Time To Reset

People often get stuck in a simulation, or at least it feels that way. It almost feels as if sometimes, it is people who are the video game that a greater force is controlling. Sure, thriving from routine is not terrible, but sometimes a reset is needed.

Changing your phone number could be refreshing, feeling like you are temporarily moving off the grid to get things straightened out before popping back into the day-to-day. 

Maybe you:

  • Had a breakup in a relationship (whether you provoked it or were the victim) and want to disassociate from that person.
  • Are tired of your old number as it is stale to you, and want to have a say in your area code or the digits assigned. 

Regardless of the reasoning, it is nice from time to time to step foot on a new path or embark on a new journey, leaving the past behind you.

Separating Personal and Business Calls

Are you starting your own business or already have a lucrative one? Or maybe your job requires you to use your phone, and in return, they pay you a stipend rather than issuing you a company device. 

It’s crucial to have a defined split between your personal life and your career. It’s hard to do so with the introduction of work-from-home, which has transformed the workforce after the pandemic, to use an example. 

This is a key moment for you to obtain a new phone number. One for yourself to engage in your everyday life, and perhaps a second phone line or additional phone number to keep the separation from your job.

If you haven’t heard of virtual phone numbers or phone number apps, this is an opportune time to explore them and their benefits for maintaining that elusive work-life balance.

Waving Goodbye to Unwanted Calls

If your bottle is full and about to burst because screening spam calls and blocking them is not reducing the daily volume, a new number may sound like the only solution left.

Does it resolve the issue? In many cases, yes. Or at least it slows down the number of calls until the light bulb goes on, and those callers catch on. 

There’s another trick you can keep under your sleeve for a successful transition. Not only do you change your phone number, but you can place it on a do-not-call or DNC list. 

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) protects the consumer, especially when consent is not given to those bothersome parties.

Taking the Opportunity To Explore New Features and Upgrades

When was the last time you sought either your current service provider or a new one to see what the latest and greatest offerings were? Embarking on the journey to change your phone number opens the door to exploring new features, upgrades, and promotions offered by service providers. 

Maybe you can upgrade your current cellular device at little to no cost or adjust your plan and customize it to suit your needs. What if both options above came to fruition, and you had a lower monthly payment to make at the end of the day? You never know until you inquire or try.

Choosing the Area Code of Your Dreams

Did you know you have a say in what area code you are assigned to? Businesses draw to this as there are some area codes more popular than others, which can drive sales.

If the phone number altercation is not for business, you still may choose to have an area code assigned to you that is a reflection of the city or state you live in, notably if you recently moved out of state.

You’re Moving

Sometimes, it is what it is. You just have to go with the flow when situations are out of your hands. Moving is one of these scenarios, whether you’ve initiated it or it was initiated for you.

Reviewing statistics, nearly 28.2 million people in the United States moved in 2022. Of this amount, a high percentage remained within the same state. Others moved out of state and remained in the United States, and some left the country altogether.

Does moving mean you need to change your area code and phone number? If you’re staying within the country, the short answer is no. However, if you realize your existing service has poor coverage in your new home, you might consider making a change.

Contacting your service provider is usually the next step people take. They may not have cell towers or coverage in the location where your new home sweet home is on the map, which means you may need to switch service providers whether you like it or not. 

Still, if you really want to keep your trusty old number, there is a solution: porting. Phone porting is a technique for replacing your service provider with a different one while keeping your phone number intact. 

It’s important to note that porting depends on the rules and regulations of the state you reside in. It may not be available, so a new phone number must be assigned to you to fulfill the legal requirements. 

You Want To Avoid Spam Callers

Oh no, is your phone ringing again with an incoming call from a telemarketer or a robocall? Spam calls are an annoyance many of us know all too well.

Whether they’re pre-recorded or AI-generated, these calls are the worst. Thankfully, caller ID scans them, giving you the upper hand in identifying if the call is from an unknown caller or potential spam. 

Does it have you over the edge where you are at your wit's end on the volume per day you receive? Do you need to change your phone number? 

The answer is likely yes, especially if the calls are going back to back from the same phone number or similar phone numbers that are unbeknownst to you.

To add some comfort, did you know that eight out of 10 people generally do not answer the phone for unknown callers? Even after dismissing the call, many people ignore the voicemails left behind.

Since phone calls initiate at the touch of a button, communication has never been easier. Still, it’s rarer and rarer to get a call from a friend or family member — now, it’s more common to hear an unwanted annoyance on the other end.

Still, if you really want to keep your phone number, you can try adding it to the national Do Not Call registry and save yourself some hassle.

What Are the Downsides of Changing Your Phone Number?

Where there is a hill, there is also a valley. There are good days, and there are bad days. The same goes for advantages and disadvantages. 

Now that you have an understanding of how changing your phone number can benefit you, let’s take a look at why it may not be advisable to weigh the scale.

Thieves Come Out of the Woodwork

Intruder alert, intruder alert! If only the bells, whistles, and alarms were available to notify you when a thief puts their nose where it doesn’t belong.

The odds of your information falling into the wrong hands increase when changing your phone number, even though you’d think it would be the opposite. Why? Because of the process, your old phone number goes through as it is recycled and later placed in someone else’s court.

Sit back for a moment and think, what was your old number tied to? That list won’t be short unless you are one of the few who kept your number tight to your belt and never gave it out to a single soul.

If you are one of many, your old number defined who you are and was tied to personal information from a store website to your bank account.

There is an upside to this downside, requiring your effort and intervention. Your privacy and security rely on you and your timeliness to access every account your old phone number was associated with and update it with your new one. This includes all the two-factor authentication, too!

Possibly Missing Calls and Texts

How is your time management? Whether you have all the free time in the world or are pressed for time, you’ll have a lot of updating to do as you transition from one phone number to another.

A helpful hint is to make a list of all the accounts you have associated your phone number with. Decide whether you want that company to have your new phone number. If the answer is yes, update it in a timely manner.

As mentioned in the previous section, some of the accounts could be linked with two-factor authentication (2FA). 2FA is another line of defense built to protect personal information from harmful phishing attacks, password thieves, and social engineering.

If the 2FA is not updated, you may have an issue accessing your accounts. Once your old phone number is deactivated, it may also be difficult to modify it, resulting in more time spent contacting customer service or IT.

Oh yeah, don’t forget about your friends and family too! You’ll also want to ensure they know how to contact you and any other personal or business-related contacts. If you don’t, you could miss a very important call from a business partner, friend, or family member.

Where Does a New Phone Number Come From?

Your new number is someone’s old number. It isn’t hot off the press. This has its pros and cons when you think about it.

Stop and think for a moment: Why are you changing your phone number? Are you trying to get a custom phone number? Or are you just trying to take control of your life?

Now think again: Whoever had the phone number you are now assigned may have had similar reasons to discard it.

When a phone number changes, the old number is added back into the depository. Think of it as a library book. The book is checked out and loved for a specified amount of time. Then, it is time to part with it, either because all the pages have been read or the reader has run out of time.

Turning the book in is easy. It is dropped off into a giant bin. After some time, a librarian pulls the book and returns it to the shelf for someone else with interest to check out. It’s a revolving cycle.

Phone numbers follow this methodology. The only difference is that they are held for 45 to 60 days before returning to the shelf and being sought after by a new customer.

How Long Does It Take To Activate a New Number?

The process kicks off with a minor effort. You can either pick up the phone to call your provider to place the request or jump into the car to drive to your service provider’s location. Nowadays, it boils down to personal preference.

Once you’ve arrived, you are awaiting your turn to work with the customer service associate. Then, push the button to start the timer. The switch to your new cell phone number takes anywhere from four hours to 24 hours. If you are still within reach of a landline, the waiting period extends from three to 10 days.

Is the question of whether or not it is worth the wait crossing your mind? Before answering, consider the pros and cons of changing your phone number. 

Is There an Alternative Option?

What if someone told you that you could keep your phone number and have one or more phone numbers in your back pocket without making any permanent changes to your account? Before 2010, laughter may have filled the room, but amazingly enough, it is more common than you think. 

Consider using a burner phone to keep your old number while having an additional number to take the brunt of the spam, spotty data, and other annoyances.

So, Are You Going To Make the Change?

Take some time and reflect on your current phone number before pressing to obtain a new one. Weigh the pros and the cons. Consider alternative options that are ever-growing with the rate of technological advances year over year.

Burner apps provide opportunities and could solve your predicament, but they also come with pros and cons. The good news is that there is never a dull moment, and options are at your fingertips. Plus, with the rate technology continues to enhance who knows what may become available in the future of tomorrow.


Robocalls Finally Have the U.S. Government's Attention | TIME

Most Americans don’t answer cellphone calls from unknown numbers | Pew Research Center

How to Change Your Cell Phone Number and Keep Your Old One | Consumer Reports

About 8.2 Million People Moved Between States in 2022 | U.S. Census

National Do Not Call Registry |

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